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Numeracy Report Statements

This page contains Numeracy statements to help teachers complete end-of-year pupil reports. The statements are categorised to make them easier to browse. Please use our contact form if you have any useful statements we can add to our list.

General Comments

is quite receptive to new mathematical concepts
can be overconfident with his/her maths and liable to make careless errors
needs to remember to check his/her work
enjoys all areas of mathematics
lacks confidence in his/her ability and can sometimes be tempted to 'borrow' answers from elsewhere
requires a lot of consolidation before he/she becomes confident with a mathematical concept
needs to remember to ask for help if he/she is having difficulties with his/her mathematical work
is able to identify and use a wide range of mathematical symbols
is able to use a range of mathematical symbols, words and diagrams appropriately when recording his/her work
perseveres with mathematical problems that he/she finds difficult
lacks perseverance when faced with a mathematical problem that he/she finds difficult 
is able to check the results of his/her calculations and know whether his/her answers are sensible
needs to check his/her work carefully, ensuring that his/her answers are sensible
seeks constant approval. He/she needs to develop more confidence and independence with his/her mathematical work
lacks/is gaining the confidence to take part in whole-class mental arithmetic sessions
enjoys taking part in our whole-class mental arithmetic games and activities
will not voluntarily take in with whole-class mental arithmetic games and activities
tends to keep a low profile when working within a group
produces his/her best mathematical work in small group or one-to-one situations
has benefited from the support of a Classroom Assistant for most of his/her individual and group-based work

Using and Applying Mathematics

is able to spot patterns in mathematical data and use them to form generalisations
is able to explain clearly the method he/she used to solve a problem
tends to solve problems through trial and improvement. He/she needs to become more systematic in his/her approach to this type of work
is becoming quite systematic in his/her approach to problem solving
I have been particularly impressed with some of his/her problem solving work
sometimes has difficulty selecting the skill required to solve questions worded in unfamiliar ways 
is able to break down complex mathematical problems into simpler steps
needs to give more attention to what he/she is being asked before he/she attempts to solve a mathematical problem
can be quite logical in his/her approach to mathematical problem solving
is able to choose the correct operation when solving word problems
tries different approaches when solving problems

Numbers and the Number System

is able to count reliably up to 10/20 objects
is able to count on or back in 1s from any small number
knows the number names to 100 and is able to say them in order
is able to count reliably 100 objects or more
is able to read, write and order numbers to .....
sometimes reverses the orientation of his/her numerals
sometimes reverses the digit of 2-digit numbers
is able to identify and continue simple repeating patterns of shapes or numbers
sometimes muddles teen numbers with multiples of 10
recognises teen numbers as a ten and some units
is able to continue simple number sequences
is able to count forwards (and backwards) in 2s, 5s and 10s
is able to recognise odd and even numbers
is able to round 2-digit/3-digit numbers to the nearest 10/100
is able to recognise and use simple fractions
is able to recognise when two simple fractions are equivalent
is beginning to understand decimals
has a limited/growing/good understanding or percentages
is beginning to work with negative numbers
has a good understanding of place value
understands that the position of a digit within a number indicates its value


recognises that addition can be done in any order but sometimes incorrectly applies this rule to subtraction
is able to perform simple additions and subtractions using his/her fingers, cubes or other counting apparatus
understands that subtraction is the inverse of addition and is able to use this knowledge in his/her problem solving
understands that division is the inverse of multiplication and is able to use this knowledge in his/her problem solving
is able to mentally add or subtract numbers to 10/20/100
is able to use cubes or other counting apparatus to perform simple multiplications/divisions
is able to solve multiplication problems involving .... by counting in ... on their fingers
is able to use a written strategy to add/subtract 2-digit numbers
is able to add/subtract 2-digit numbers mentally
knows, by heart, addition/subtraction facts to 10/20
knows, by heart, facts for the .... times table
understands that half is the inverse of double and is able to use this knowledge to halve numbers up to 20
is able to use a written strategy to add/subtract 3-digit numbers
is able to use his/her knowledge of place value to multiply any number by 10
has developed a good bank of remembered mathematical facts
his/her written calculation strategies can be somewhat long-winded but he/she usually perseveres with them until he/she arrives at the correct answer

Shape and Space

is able to identify some regular 2D/3D shapes
recognises that 2D/3D shapes can irregular
is able to use simple geometrical terminology to describe the properties of 2D and 3D shapes
sometimes confuses 2D and 3D shapes
is able to identify some regular 2D shapes although he/she sometimes gets muddled with pentagons, hexagons and octagons
is beginning to understand/understands that a change to the size or rotation of an object does not necessarily change its shape
is able to identify right angles
is able to identify whether a corner is acute, obtuse or right-angled
understands the terms face, edge and vertex in relation to 2D and 3D shapes
is able to identify reflective symmetry within shapes
is able to visualise 3D shapes from 2D drawings


is able to use simple terminology associated with measure
is able to make direct comparisons between two lengths/mass/capacities
is becoming more accurate in his/her estimations of length/mass/capacity
is able to use non-standard/standard units to measure length/mass/capacity
is able to read a simple scale
is able to read scales on which not all of the divisions are not labelled
knows the relationship between familiar units of length/mass/capacity
is beginning to understand the concept of area
has used squared paper to find the approximate area of a shape
is beginning to understand the concept of volume
is able to calculate the perimeter of various simple shapes
is able to use a range of simple measuring instruments accurately
is beginning to know the relationships between units of time
recognises o'clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to on an analogue clock
is able to use analogue clocks to tell the time to the nearest five minutes
is able to tell the time using both analogue and digital clocks

Data Handling

is able to sort shapes or other objects according to simple criteria
is able to identify the criteria used for sorting a group of objects
is able to collect data in a variety of ways and record it using simple lists/tally charts/tables/block graphs/Venn diagrams/pictograms
is able to interpret tables/bar charts and answer questions based upon the data they contain
find it difficult/is able to interpret pictograms where the symbol represents a group of units

    Last updated:  3rd October 2006


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